Yes Minister!
Estem d'acord amb aquest empat. Eagles i Hammers es respecten i es reparteixen els punts. 0-0 a Upton Park. West Ham i Crystal Palace brinden per el bon football en un entranyable matx entre barriades proletàries i mites populars.
Un espai dedicat al football i a la seva quintaessència proletària i modernista: La llegenda blau-cel i grana del WEST HAM UNITED FC. Benvinguts al blog de la penya GOLDEN CORNER OF PREMIÀ DE MAR DISTRICT HAMMER CLUB. Aquesta és la casa de la gent que estima el FOOTBALL
Dear Enric,
I can't imagine how the lads feel as they're so excited about the result and what they've achieved. The thousands of West Ham fans who were at the game must have seen one of the finest West Ham performances they've ever seen in the entire time they've been watching the club.